In his very first declaration adhering to the apprehension in France, Telegram founder Pavel Durov said that the apprehension was“misguided” He firmly insisted that the French authorities have to have very first approached his enterprise with their points versus apprehending him over the difficulty.
On Friday, Durov required to his Telegram community and said that “he is still trying to understand what happened in France.” The declaration got here weeks after the Russian- birthed billionaire was detained in France and was billed for purportedly allowing felony job on the messaging software.
I’m nonetheless trying to understand what happened inFrance But we take heed to the problems. I made it my particular person goal to cease abusers of Telegram’s system from disrupting the way forward for our 950+ million people.
My full weblog submit listed beneath.
— Pavel Durov (@durov) September 5, 2024
While discussing the difficulty, the Telegram chief govt officer rejected that his software was an“anarchic paradise” He firmly insisted that the apprehension was uncommon contemplating that the French authorities presently had accessibility to a “hotline,” he had helped arrange, via which they might have immediately contacted Telegram’s EU consultant at any time.
“If a country is unhappy with an internet service, the established practice is to start a legal action against the service itself,” he wrote. “Using laws from the pre-smartphone era to charge a CEO with crimes committed by third parties on the platform he manages is a misguided approach,” the expertise magnate enhanced.
Durov safeguards his software
While confessing that Telegram was “not excellent,” Durov protected his software from all of the objections. He happened to reject any sort of misuse associated to the applying. “The claims in some media that Telegram is some sort of anarchic paradise are absolutely untrue,” he composed. “We take down millions of harmful posts and channels every day.”
“You have to take into account technological limitations. As a platform, you want your processes to be consistent globally, while also ensuring they are not abused in countries with weak rule of law. We’ve been committed to engaging with regulators to find the right balance. Yes, we stand by our principles: our experience is shaped by our mission to protect our users in authoritarian regimes. But we’ve always been open to dialogue,” the 39-year-old billionaire mentioned.
“I hope that the events of August will result in making Telegram — and the social networking industry as a whole — safer and stronger. Thanks again for your love and memes,” he ended.
What had been the prices?
According to the declaration launched by the Paris district legal professional related to the scenario, the prices positioned by the French authorities versus Durov are as adheres to:
Complicity within the administration of an on the web system to make it potential for unlawful purchases by an organized gang
Refusal to work together with authorities
Complicity in organized felony circulation of sex-related photographs of kids
It considerations remember the fact that in France if a person is “put under investigation” that doesn’t at all times counsel that he’s responsible of the felony exercise he has really been billed with. It likewise doesn’t trigger checks continually. It merely means that the courtroom that’s supervising the scenario thinks that there suffices of an occasion to wage an examination.
Durov’s scenario is extraordinary when it considerations the proprietor of a social networks system being detained as a result of methodology the system is being made use of. In the previous, expertise employers have really been talked by legislators concerning their strategies and failings, nonetheless they’ve really by no means ever been restrained in such a approach.
With inputs from corporations.